MOVE Factors Globally Valued

The Accounting MOVE Project is a holistic model that shows the interplay of key dynamics proven to advance women in the workplace:

M – Money, or pay equity

O – Opportunity for leadership and professional development

V – Vital supports for work-life

E – Entrepreneurship, business development and supplier diversity

A new report sponsored by Citigroup outlines the priorities of working women around the globe – and guess what? It boils down to MOVE.

Women are encouraged, too: 60% of women around the world believe that the gender gap is closing, with U.S. women especially optimistic, with 68% detecting progress.

Around the world, women define ‘progress for women’ in MOVE terms:

  • 36% cite women in leadership of evidence of progress
  • 24% – flexible work environments
  • 22% – elimination of the wage gap

Meanwhile, 62% of women believe that work-life conflicts are a major barrier, and 70% of women want satisfying work – but not at the expense of a paycheck sufficient to ‘enjoy life,’ according to 88%.

And with their whole working lives ahead of them, millennials are most ambitious, with 93% saying they want to advance at work and 55% aspiring to top leadership.