Hello, We Can See Right Through You

Transparency builds trust, and trust pays off. Companies on Fortune magazine’s “Best Companies to Work For” delivered annualized stock returns of 11.07% from 1997 to 2014, compared to 6.48% for the S&P 500.

Firms in the Accounting MOVE Project are building employer reputation by sharing not just their results in advancing women, but how they achieve those results.

  • Moss Adams publishes an annual report on its Forum W women’s initiative, outlining its goals and achievements in a straightforward format.
  • Dixon Hughes Goodman set up a separate website for its WomenForward initiative.
  • Plante Moran spells out the mission and progress of its Women in Leadership initiative at its website.

Rehmann has a terrific template for its internal report on its women’s initiative and has graciously provided the Accounting MOVE Project team with a version approved for sharing with other firms. Contact MOVE Project manager Joanne Cleaver(at jycleaver@wilson-taylorassoc.com) for a copy.