Home sellers and house hunters! Looking for tips and a toolkit about how to
negotiate real estate commissions and save thousands of dollars? You’re in the right place!
Join my Facebook group where we swap news and tips on this new skill that homeowners and househunters must have in this hypercompetitive real estate market. And,
buy the Kindle book, which is a toolkit with templates, timelines, and scripts for negotiating with confidence.
Sign up here for occasional news and tips on home selling, home buying and, coming soon, a toolkit for getting your money back from scurrilous businesses!
“Negotiate Real Estate Commissions and Keep More Money!” is getting major media coverage!
I’m glad that the media recognize how important it is for consumers to make the most of this historic chance to re-write the rules of home buying and selling so they can finally keep more of their home equity in the process.
Meanwhile, for the rest of you…..
Work with Wilson-Taylor Associates to engage key audiences through stories and statistics. We collaborate with financial and professional services firms and associations to:
- Design, produce and promote original research and related content that establishes and amplifies authority.
- Cultivate sustainable content strategies that engage key audiences with stories that build mutually beneficial relationships.
- Communication and media training that positions clients with powerful strategies for reaching key audiences through journalists, conferences and social media.
Are you looking for the Accounting MOVE Project? It is alive and well here.
Career lattices are the fastest, most reliable way to grow your career and for companies to grow

the talent they need to achieve tomorrow’s goals. I established the trend with my book
The Career Lattice (McGraw Professional, 2012), and have been evolving training for individuals and companies ever since. Now, through
online courses, I equip individuals and companies to make the most of this powerful strategy. Come on over to
The Career Lattice to gain access to resources that can propel your career to the next level, including strategies for converting your career experience to sustainable, profitable self-employment.